Sunday, June 22, 2008

#18: The gushing starts!

So over the last few days I've discovered that baby "Cashew" likes the sound of my voice. So much so that he tries to bust out of the womb just to hear me! I have a daddy's boy. The fun thing I love to do is get him to move around wherever my hand may be.

Much to my wife's dismay. She hates this game because inevitably he ends up pushing on her bladder. It's just so interesting to watch my wife get bigger, and watch him get his own personality. So much fun!

I guess what makes me happiest is that I got to start a lot earlier with this one as far as the whole talking to the fetus goes. I got started with my daughter by reading Where The Wild Things Are. While I will read that book to Cashew, I think I might start with liner notes, Blender, and car magazines. Maybe get my kid to like cars and music as much as I do.

Friday, June 20, 2008

#17: Assorted Thoughts

So, I just got done with a great bout of nookie, very splashy, and very erotic. Then I took a post-nookie shower. And had a snack.

And then I got to thinking, this kid has full brain function at this point, it can create thoughts, emotions, etc. So I'm thinking, what if this kid can recall what its like when we have sex?

Dude, wouldn't that trip you the hell out if you reverted back to the womb in a hypnotic state, and remember bouncing around while your dad did it doggystyle to your mom?

These are the kinds of things I think when I hit the cottage cheese. BTW, hit the Blue Bunny 4%, its next to heaven!

So, what to talk about besides pregnant boobs and nookie?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

#16: Some shit just never ends!

Ok, I recalled the last time we were pregnant, we both lost our jobs, and we had to move back in with my mom.

Well thankfully enough, this time I won't have to move back in with my mom. But I'm still losing my job come August 18th. I'm none too happy about this shit. But at least I'll be a month shy of three years. I might get something for my trouble. I'd hope.

I talked to the chairman of the unit out at the Local today, and I found out that the company didn't want to give us shit. In effects bargaining, we got hosed. No continuation of benefits, no health insurance, no dental, no nothing. We only get our incentive cashed out on our last check. Not cool. I was hoping to at least see the beginning of the year so I could cash out my vacation...but I guess I'll get three days cashed out to me when I get laid off.

And to top all this bullshit, the cunt that used to be my wife's best friend is up to her bullshit again. "Waaaa, I lost my child and they get theirs" "Waaaaa, I hope they experience what I went through." My only response to this will be my fist in her chest if I ever see her in public, and hope it brings her closer to her lost one. You wish death on my unborn child, you fucking die!

Whats the encore? Does my house explode while I'm remodeling? Does the wheel fall off my car? Where does it end?

Oh wait, thats right, shit rolls downhill, and I, unfortunately, am at the bottom....again.

And the bottom drops out.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

#15: The Libido Returns...not for the faint of heart.

So, I've been complaining a bit about not getting any. Life issues have compounded on each other, and sex is a great tension release. But when wifey isn't in the mood, it ain't happening, no matter how down in the shitter I am. But this Friday, I got my wish.

Her libido came back by storm.

Friday, 6:15 A.M: I'm laying in bed and wake up, for what reason I don't know. But I decide to get cuddly with my wife. Something is telling me I need to fuck NOW! Little did I know her subconscious was planting ideas in my sleep. I woke up hard as a rock, and decided to rub her back for awhile, with a firm hand. And then I started rubbing her belly, as she likes sometimes when she is pregnant and its been stretching alot lately as well, so it was a bit tender. I kept a watch for signs she was into it. I started rubbing her pelvic bone, just above her pussy. She moved a bit to get her panties off. And it was on like Donkey Kong on speed. I started playin with it. I went down and licked that shit...and I definetly could not hear a complaint on my facial hair at that point. I could have started a brush fire between the two of us!

And then, it was on. Now the rest I'm not going to play out for you like that. But DAMN it was a great way to start a Friday, despite the early hour. And the tiredness at work...which really sucked because it was hot as hell!