Friday, December 12, 2008

27: The last two weeks in a nutshell...

Lets start off with the Saturday night after wifey got off work. She was feeling really dizzy, so she went to the hospital and got checked out, full stress test, all that good shit. They want to give her an ultrasound and hook up another stress test. And after all of that, the stress test is over, and she asks the doc if she can still work. He just laughed at her.

So we go in again this monday for the ultrasound, and Rory shakes her head no when we try to look at her face, and we got a great moon shot! She mooned us, but we can definetly tell she's a girl.

Thursday I had to take her in for the appt and then get our daughter from school, I got to watch the ultrasound however. But she got good face pictures! Then I had to get my daughter. They found out she's two cm dialated now, and 50% effaced, so its go time! Monday at 7am we start the fun!

And then last night, her friend, or I should say heinous bitchbeast, sent a message in reply to one wifey sent out to her friends, people she thought cared about her, and got this back from the above in reply: "No offense but I really don't care" I'd have just shut the fuck up! You don't do shit like that to a friend. I'm about ready to choke a bitch!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

#26: Baby Watch begins?

Well, I got a call from my wife from work about 9pm tonight, and shes told me she had seven contractions in the last hour, and that she'd call First Nurse after 10pm when she got out of work.

Well, flash forward at 1045 and I'm here watching Storm Chasers and waiting for the update as she is in the hospital and we're seeing where it goes from here.

I'll keep you posted and hopefully I'll have pictures and video when I get back to you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

#25: Two or four more weeks to go?

I've seen morning sickness, dizzy spells, more stretchmarks than one could ever count, an ever expanding form, and kicks, punches and spins from this little one. Soon it will all be over and the real fun begins again. I've taken many pictures of this form for document and post on wifey's cafemom page, and I've also had many interesting moments, each one I've been able to experience and laugh about, or cry at times.

It's been one weird wild ride, and now I kinda feel bad, it ends and then the real work begins.

But at least this one really likes me. Her and the cat both do. She responds and pushes outward to my voice, or kicks the same number of times I tap on the belly. It's been so fun playing with her. I can't wait until she gets here! But at the same time I don't want to see it end. It kinda sucks.

But I guess, its been fun while it lasted. Hopefully she looks cute, like her sister. But who knows!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

#24: The Shower

Well, the shower was today, and wow, this kid has no reason whatsoever to go naked. It's nice to see that family and friends all think about this kid, no fancy gadgets, just clothes, diapers and other stuff like bibs and burp rags and blankets. I love that. Nothing better. While some people might view the second baby shower for another girl as greedy or something else, fuck them. Its not about that, its about the love those people want to "shower" on the newborn. I hope she realizes that. She has a lot of people who love her, and she's not even here yet! The room is looking great, I put up the letters for her name today, and her animal plaques. Oh, and the curtain rod! \m/!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

#23: The fun dwindles...

Well, its week 30. The belly continues to do the hormones!

I'm missing out on this one already and its still got ten weeks left until R-day. (Rory day) To recap so far. I've enjoyed this rollercoaster ride of a pregnancy. The hormones have made each day interesting, I never know which side of my wife I'm waking up to. The tear my head off because I woke up a half hour later than I normally do wifey, the mushy "I love you so much..." wifey, the wifey who can't wait to get this kid outta her, or the wifey who gets a lil wake-n-snake. Girls, you aren't going to get that shit, but guys know the wake-n-snake. Thats the time when you're either asleep or half-asleep, she comes in, and next thing you know, she's going to happytown and you don't even know whats goin on! That, is the wake-n-snake. Similar to the wake-n-bake, but much much more fun!

It's been a blast watching Rory grow, and become more active (my back has never felt better from all the kicks I get while I sleep), and the best thing about it is, she has been so fun, and even she knows what is what before she has even been born!

The economy is shit, but life is ok. I guess its ok. Who knows!

Friday, September 12, 2008

22: The expanding continues!

So I'm looking at my naked wife after her shower today. And WOW is she getting huge! I couldn't be more enamored with her right now! It's so nice to see her come into true form, she's easily gained several inches in belly in just a few short weeks. And yes, her butt, and breasts have swollen as well, much to my desire!

It's awesome to watch it week by week, if you get the chance, I highly recommend paying close attention to your SO next time she is pregnant!

Also, we put together the playpen to try it out, and we had a blast, or I should say *I* had a blast trying to put together the changing shelf on the playpen, it didn't fit right at all, so wifey to the rescue and she fixed it and made it work, and I like it. Maybe I'll have some pictures soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#21: Been a long's an update

Ok, so its been a month or so, and a lot has happened since then...let me bring you up to speed.

The ultrasound is clearer this time, so much so you could see the pelvic muscle to the side of the labia. Yes, its going to be girl number 2! We made the joke that the sister of one of Dee's friends is making the football team (all boys) and we're working on the cheerleaders. As disappointed as I was to find out the sex (which means I can't get snipped right away *fumes*), I'm not going to love her any less. She's still my kid. At least now we have a new plan that makes it so maybe we'll look into another one. If not its on my brother to "carry on the family name"

And who's to say that I have to anyways? Or that my daughter can't. Why can't she? What if she keeps her name? (Why she'd do that is beyond me, hell, I even thought about adopting my wife's name! How the hell can telemarketers fuck up Roberts?)

Also, we're having the baby I forgot what day it is. But I'll have it soon. I hope. I know its in October.

And since we're having another girl, I get to teach women about cars. These two will be able to restore or at least work on their own cars by the time they know how to drive. At least I want them to know enough to change their own tires, or be able to figure out whats going on in a car by the sound/vibration it makes. Which reminds me, I need to tweak the alignment in my car.

This one already has one disc of music education that she's listened to, and I have the second for her. What I'm doing is putting a bunch of music mixed together, and going from there.

Well, thats it for now, hopefully I'll have more interesting stuff to blog about. Oh, hey, I have some stuff to put together...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

20: The trickery of the Goddess...

WSo we went to the 20 week ultrasound, myself, my wife and Justeen. Looking at the lil person. Seeing all the cool stuff and the functioning of everything, and it all looks good. So far as we know. It kept moving in every direction it could, didn't really want to be seen we guess.

But we don't really know if its a boy or girl, but at this point, we don't know, its not looking good for the boy though.

You could just feel the mood drop in that room today. I don't have the picture to post as of yet, but I can definitely tell its not lookin good, either that or he'll have to really work on his personality.

We'll have to wait another 3-4 weeks, til August 13th to find out for sure, and here's hoping the parts come into their own. Whatever they may be.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#19: The Good Morning Dance

So, once in awhile, in the morning, I wake up as most guys do. Harder than Chinese Algebra.

So here I decide to try to start things, and its going good as far as I can tell, she's moaning her pleasures, writhing around, and losing articles of clothing and such. Then the cat makes her way in the room through the partially closed door. Smart ass cat! Got the door open even though it was all but latched.

So then I toss the cat out, and resume the play, and by this point, its about to get on with no strings attached. Then kiddo wakes up.

And thus is the story of my mornings when I try to get us going to our happy place.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

#18: The gushing starts!

So over the last few days I've discovered that baby "Cashew" likes the sound of my voice. So much so that he tries to bust out of the womb just to hear me! I have a daddy's boy. The fun thing I love to do is get him to move around wherever my hand may be.

Much to my wife's dismay. She hates this game because inevitably he ends up pushing on her bladder. It's just so interesting to watch my wife get bigger, and watch him get his own personality. So much fun!

I guess what makes me happiest is that I got to start a lot earlier with this one as far as the whole talking to the fetus goes. I got started with my daughter by reading Where The Wild Things Are. While I will read that book to Cashew, I think I might start with liner notes, Blender, and car magazines. Maybe get my kid to like cars and music as much as I do.

Friday, June 20, 2008

#17: Assorted Thoughts

So, I just got done with a great bout of nookie, very splashy, and very erotic. Then I took a post-nookie shower. And had a snack.

And then I got to thinking, this kid has full brain function at this point, it can create thoughts, emotions, etc. So I'm thinking, what if this kid can recall what its like when we have sex?

Dude, wouldn't that trip you the hell out if you reverted back to the womb in a hypnotic state, and remember bouncing around while your dad did it doggystyle to your mom?

These are the kinds of things I think when I hit the cottage cheese. BTW, hit the Blue Bunny 4%, its next to heaven!

So, what to talk about besides pregnant boobs and nookie?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

#16: Some shit just never ends!

Ok, I recalled the last time we were pregnant, we both lost our jobs, and we had to move back in with my mom.

Well thankfully enough, this time I won't have to move back in with my mom. But I'm still losing my job come August 18th. I'm none too happy about this shit. But at least I'll be a month shy of three years. I might get something for my trouble. I'd hope.

I talked to the chairman of the unit out at the Local today, and I found out that the company didn't want to give us shit. In effects bargaining, we got hosed. No continuation of benefits, no health insurance, no dental, no nothing. We only get our incentive cashed out on our last check. Not cool. I was hoping to at least see the beginning of the year so I could cash out my vacation...but I guess I'll get three days cashed out to me when I get laid off.

And to top all this bullshit, the cunt that used to be my wife's best friend is up to her bullshit again. "Waaaa, I lost my child and they get theirs" "Waaaaa, I hope they experience what I went through." My only response to this will be my fist in her chest if I ever see her in public, and hope it brings her closer to her lost one. You wish death on my unborn child, you fucking die!

Whats the encore? Does my house explode while I'm remodeling? Does the wheel fall off my car? Where does it end?

Oh wait, thats right, shit rolls downhill, and I, unfortunately, am at the bottom....again.

And the bottom drops out.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

#15: The Libido Returns...not for the faint of heart.

So, I've been complaining a bit about not getting any. Life issues have compounded on each other, and sex is a great tension release. But when wifey isn't in the mood, it ain't happening, no matter how down in the shitter I am. But this Friday, I got my wish.

Her libido came back by storm.

Friday, 6:15 A.M: I'm laying in bed and wake up, for what reason I don't know. But I decide to get cuddly with my wife. Something is telling me I need to fuck NOW! Little did I know her subconscious was planting ideas in my sleep. I woke up hard as a rock, and decided to rub her back for awhile, with a firm hand. And then I started rubbing her belly, as she likes sometimes when she is pregnant and its been stretching alot lately as well, so it was a bit tender. I kept a watch for signs she was into it. I started rubbing her pelvic bone, just above her pussy. She moved a bit to get her panties off. And it was on like Donkey Kong on speed. I started playin with it. I went down and licked that shit...and I definetly could not hear a complaint on my facial hair at that point. I could have started a brush fire between the two of us!

And then, it was on. Now the rest I'm not going to play out for you like that. But DAMN it was a great way to start a Friday, despite the early hour. And the tiredness at work...which really sucked because it was hot as hell!

Monday, May 26, 2008

#14: Light dawns on marble forehead...

Well, finally I think she admits it. Regardless of what she may say or think or act about her new state. She can finally not really say she is fat. After putting the 10w4d and 6w pics together, she can see the noticeable difference in her belly....and so did I! Wow. Very sexy.

So hopefully we can put the fat baby to bed and just marvel at the form she takes. I hope to have an update soon on the glucose test...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

#13: The first ultrasound

So my wife had to get a glucose test ("Damn family history of diabetes!" she says)...a rectal exam, and several other exams and tests, and then she finally got the thing stuck up her cooter to look at the little sprite....and here is the little "Cashew"

so so cute! melts my heart!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

#12 Beltaine Fun!

Mental note: Don't tell anyone at a Beltaine ritual that you are expecting.

Long story short: Beltaine is a Pagan fertility blessing ritual, to bless those who are already pregnant, as well as those who wish for enhanced fertility, and to bless plant life with fruitfulness.

The Full Story:

The Beltaine gathering yesterday (5/17) was great, awesome location, great weather, the element of the East was abundant as well (very windy!) All were having a great time with wine, strawberries and chocolate dipping sauce. Don't worry, the kids had water.

Then guess who got tied to the maypole after the first part of the circle was over? Go on! Guess!


Yeah, then I get an apple cut off my head by my wife. It's good to be the king! It was a great day, fun was had by all, and I think even today I'm going to try to get out of the house because its so damn nice today again! Much blessing for Beltaine...despite it being late! Still just as fun to mark it.

By the way, say "It's good to be the king" at a gathering or somewhere, and see who laughs...

Those who don't, feel sorry for them.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

#11: Telling the other side of the family

So today, we got the iron-on transfer shirt on Justeen, and took her with us to the family get together for Mother's Day. On the front it said "I've got a secret!" and on the back it had a pretty decal that said "I'm going to be a big sister"

Mixed reactions were had. But most of it was positive. My mom was happy this time! She was just wondering how I felt about it, and if I was excited, considering the cost of almost every freakin thing has gone up since Justeen was born.

To which I said, I'm glad for this child.

But, the cost of everything and the added cost of raising a child five years after the fact is going to be stressful, hard, and trying. But I'm not that worried about it. All I'm worried about is having the job to pay all the bills. And that the bills get paid off.

Maybe it is time to look into that second job...and figuring out the new family dynamic.

Friday, May 9, 2008

#10: The F Word, Part 2

So it's a word I hear often lately.

So often its almost OCD.

The "fat" word.

And I never cease to hear it when my wife looks at a mirror *ponders flat black spray paint?* or when she happens to catch a glimpse of her own naked body.

And I can't get enough, the rapid swelling, the even larger breasts since the last post on this topic, the really heavy load of junk in the trunk. It's all too much. It just makes it harder to stay away from her. I'm loving every moment I get to see her during this pregnancy. It's nice to enjoy everything. Watching her ever expanding frame, seriously, if she gets any bigger, she's going to have to change her bra size post-pregnancy, is such a turn on for me.

It's incredible to watch this miracle of life happening before my eyes. She even felt cashew running laps today. I'm one who wonders what that must feel like. I'm one of those guys who most see as weak. Or maybe I've been working in a factory too long!

But I keep hearing the dreaded "f" word. I don't even like hearing it when she's not pregnant. Because, yeah, we know you are, but damn, dwell much? Not like I wish she were as thin as my mic stand...but at least she has something to play with in bed! Makes it more fun!

So I need help do I address this without sounding like a callous prick?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

#9: Telling Grandpa...

Freakin hilarious moment!

My dad came over for his birthday celebration earlier today, and we gave him a bib that says "I Love Grandpa"

His wife got it right away. However it took him the better part of two minutes to figure it out!

The realization on his face is priceless on video! Which shall someday (when I have time to futz with it) be on youtube!

Now, to tell my mom! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Friday, May 2, 2008

#8: The "F" Word

Well, I didn't think it would be this short of a time before it happened.

Something every guy fears to hear, and most weaker men run scared at it.

"I'm going to get big and fat!"

Yes, after only seven short weeks. She uttered the dreaded "F" word. And any reassurance I give to the counterpoint is not swaying her...UGH!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

#7: Worry and suck make a comeback.

Well shit, I had a moment of clarity for like the last two weeks. Enjoying a clear head, great sleep, and worry free since that earthquake. I can't explain why, but things like that give me a clear head about life and stuff.

Well it all came back today, like a freight train of worry. I need to get my car worked on, the starter is out, so I think. I need to get bills in check and debts cleared before this new baby comes so I can shoulder this family for six whole long agonizing weeks. Thats credit card payments, car payments, house payment, cell phone, home phone, dish, all of the stuff that has to be covered in a month, and I have to do it for almost two. It sucks worrying about this.

To top things off, add in the aforementioned blue balls from lack of nookie. An extremely hormonal, stressed, and emotional wife. A kid who is defiant as all hell lately, for seemingly no reason. And work being a pain in my ass. Trying to get the house clean for my dad's birthday party on Saturday, a birthday party to attend on Sunday. And all of this during finals week for wifey.

I fucking hate finals week!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

#6: A small worry.

With all the news of shit going up in price (rice, gas, oil, food, beer, wheat, bread, milk, etc.) its kind of hard to figure out how to make ends meet when the new baby arrives. I really worry and worry hard about if my measly pittance will make the bills, food and gas needed for both vehicles.

Even more, I worry about if it will help when it comes time to shoulder the bills for the house by myself till six weeks after this baby is born. And I can't up but think about what is going to happen. Will things cost so much in December that I can't do this? And then I don't have anything saved up but I have no credit card debt (or so the plan goes).

These are the things I worry about whilest cleaning out the litter box. Or showering.

Damn, I hate worrying. But its what I have to do I guess.

Man, I have to fart bad!

#5: A kitty, a kid, and a pregnant wife...oh the show that could be written.

So. Two weeks after finding out about the new being growing inside my wife. We had to visit kiddo's preschool and get her acclimated to it. She's going through a lot of changes as is her new sibling. And we were at Beth's house. And she had a new kitty. Ten weeks old. Cutest little thing!

I know, I had that moment! But I decided, since I was living in the now, and I've always wanted a cat. Because mouse traps suck. So I got a cat. And she is a great cat to play with, she's so curious! And she is just so so cute! I know, I'm a man, and I said cute...kiss my ass!

But, kiddo tries to empty the litter box. And wifey can't, so I accept my daughter's help. But she gets litter EVERYWHERE! She forgets to shake the poo and pee clumps out so we get rid of the bad stuff but not the clean litter! Not for lack of trying, but I told her that daddy should really handle the kitty litter. Because its not really safe for her or mommy to do so. Especially in mommy's condition.

We believe she knows. But we still have to tell her. Till next time....

#4: The pregnant form...hide the kiddies...and kitties.

Ok, I admit it, I am a man, therefore, I am in a constant state of...oh fuck it, lets not mince words...I'm horny for my wife...all the damn time!

Why? Because, my wife is in the most erotic state for me. I'm a big fan of the pregnant form. So much of a fan, that this time, I'm taking pictures of her form each week so I can track the progress. Nothing fancy, no porn stuff, just some shots, bra and panties, so I can see the form expand and take shape.

Her form turns me on even when she isn't pregnant. She's not what most people consider hot by any means. But she has a shape that is all her own. She is a bigger woman, but she is proud of who she is, she doesn't starve herself, doesn't workout everyday for eighteen hours, and doesn't count calories. She is happy with who she is, although she wants to lose some weight to get some more energy, and not feel so tired. And I can support her on that. I've dropped 30 lbs in the last 18 months, and I'm not looking back. So whatever she wants to do to her body, I am all for.

When she gets pregnant, and even I noticed this in the first pregnancy. I was so turned on, just watching her breasts grow and get heavy with milk. Watching her belly cradle this new life, and expanding to fit it. Like her motherly state was just so much of a turn on that when she wasn't wanting it, I had to look away! Not really going to elaborate much more on that! I don't know why I love this state so much. But I know I enjoy every day of it. Waking up next her goddess-like state. Makes the day start awesomely! Nothing excites me more than touching her form to rub her down, lotion her body, make her aches go away or lessen. Because it feels like I'm in the presence of a goddess. And it makes me so hard I could cut diamonds!

Ooh look, a kitty!....

#3: Who to tell?

Well, first thought when we found out. Who do we tell about the new addition to the family?

A small aside, however: I know I'm putting out a lot of blogs in the first day, when I could just compile them together. But I'm getting you up to speed by topic, and it makes it quicker to read.

Ok, the first time around, the first words out of my mom's mouth were, and I quote: "Oh shit, Jason!"

So obviously, she's not the first.

Who was first, my wife's best friend. Bad fucking idea. (More info on that in another post...or later, who knows)

Then we told all of our friends. My brother and his wife. Her parents, her brother, and everyone she goes to class with, and everyone I work with.

And this coming Saturday, May 3rd. I'm telling my dad.

All this before telling my mom.

She has to wait a couple weeks. Although we think she already has an idea.

Ok, so why was it such a bad idea to tell my wife's best friend? Well, not to rehash too many details, but here's why she is such a shadow on the parade.

She'd been pregnant since October. And found out in like late January-early February. And at that point we'd had two unsuccessful months of trying. Fast forward about four more weeks. She lost her kid. No one but her knows all the events that transpired that night. We've been accused of everything sinister and evil about this whole situation. Things have gone as far as wishing that my wife would experience the same thing she did. So that she could have hers. But that bridge has been crossed, and working on getting back on the path. At least as far as I know.

So yeah, not even two weeks after that happened to her. We tell her the most Earth-shattering news anyone could drop on someone in that situation. And its hard, because of the fallout from that incident, to even tell her. But wifey decided to. Because its better than hiding it or lying about it.

So yeah, keep tuned in here for what happens when I tell my dad and mom. I'm sure it will be interesting.

So much interesting things and scenery...

#2: Naming the little sprite

So, now comes the time to think of names. I've been feeling dude energy in the house a lot lately. So, my intuition tells me we're having a boy. So we're hammering hardcore on boy names so we can have one when we get one.

We're bad with coming up with boys names. We can click off 400 girl names. And 200 variations on each. In one day. But coming up with a boy name is so hard, we can't use anyone in the family for reasons of stupidity, not liking names, etc. So we're looking into off the wall ideas.

But wifey showed me a picture of what the little sprite would look like at this point in the womb. And it looks like a cashew. And I'm like: "Let's do this, I'm a cashew!"

So thats the name he's stuck with for right now. Cashew.

Now who do we tell?

#1: Being a first time dad, the second time around.

Let me tell you about myself first.

I'm a dad already, in case you didn't already catch that. Five years or so ago, we found out that we were having a birth in our little fledgling family. I say that because we were. We'd only been married about four months at that point. And that was not the first thing in my wife's mind. I couldn't have been happier, as a matter of fact, I was jumping for joy on the bed, which subsequently helped the frame start to buckle.

The next 24 weeks were intense and filled with emotions incomparable to any ever experienced up to that date. In that time, we had both lost jobs, and I was trying to find money to get things going. With gas at 1.89 at the time (oh the good ol' days) and traveling 45 minutes to each doctors appt (which got expensive in the last eight weeks!) and living on a shoestring, although at my mom's house (not one of my most proud moments, but thanks mom!), life was too hard to actually enjoy the *whole* pregnancy. We got to enjoy the ultrasound, and the visits, and the eating at Fazoli's before or after each visit :).... And the idea of the drive, and the talks we had.

But this time around, we knew as early as two weeks after the expected ovulation date (more on that later). And the great thing is, I get to see and feel all the changes, much to my wife's behest and sarcastic comments sometimes. But I am the loving hubby, rubbing her back (much to my own behest sometimes, again, more later), getting her stuff most of the time she asks for it, and doting in many ways that I can't describe at this time.

And the fun that can get described in the fact of having a kid, and a cat, at the same time as bringing a new one into the world can only be experienced firsthand, but I'll try to relay it on here as well I can.

Now only to name the little bugger....