Friday, September 12, 2008

22: The expanding continues!

So I'm looking at my naked wife after her shower today. And WOW is she getting huge! I couldn't be more enamored with her right now! It's so nice to see her come into true form, she's easily gained several inches in belly in just a few short weeks. And yes, her butt, and breasts have swollen as well, much to my desire!

It's awesome to watch it week by week, if you get the chance, I highly recommend paying close attention to your SO next time she is pregnant!

Also, we put together the playpen to try it out, and we had a blast, or I should say *I* had a blast trying to put together the changing shelf on the playpen, it didn't fit right at all, so wifey to the rescue and she fixed it and made it work, and I like it. Maybe I'll have some pictures soon.

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