Tuesday, April 29, 2008

#6: A small worry.

With all the news of shit going up in price (rice, gas, oil, food, beer, wheat, bread, milk, etc.) its kind of hard to figure out how to make ends meet when the new baby arrives. I really worry and worry hard about if my measly pittance will make the bills, food and gas needed for both vehicles.

Even more, I worry about if it will help when it comes time to shoulder the bills for the house by myself till six weeks after this baby is born. And I can't up but think about what is going to happen. Will things cost so much in December that I can't do this? And then I don't have anything saved up but I have no credit card debt (or so the plan goes).

These are the things I worry about whilest cleaning out the litter box. Or showering.

Damn, I hate worrying. But its what I have to do I guess.

Man, I have to fart bad!

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